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Unlock Your Business Potential
April 29th at 8pm 



Looking to take your business to the next level? Look no further than They Say, LLC. We offer expert advice and guidance to help you take control of your business finances. Our network of industry professionals are knowledgeable in all aspects of growing a business, including securing funding, building credit and using credit hacks to save on expenses. Join us for our upcoming free class on April 11th to learn more.

who is Latasha the "boss chic"

Always taking charge, self-motivated, and ambitious Latasha Wilson has earned the name "Boss Chic".  Latasha is a Serial Entrepreneur, Investor and Coach to many as she helps others find their way through financial literacy and entrepreneurship. Latasha has her Bachelor's &  Master's degree in Education, has Digital Real-Estate, is an AirBnB Host, MLM Guru and a proud author of two E-books, "Affirmations and More: Manifest Your Future" and  resently released her newest book, 'The ABC's of Building Business Credit: $100k in 90 Days".

Purchase it below and get her FREE class as well as ask her for a free workbook!


What You Can Expect

You will learn the fundamentals needed to start a business, properly legitimize &  structure it, create a biz website, identify which banks to partner with and build relationships with in addition to how to obtain tradelines and lines of credit to name a few. Latasha will teach you how to use OPM - Other peoples money.
You will have the ability to gain access to digital products/ Ebooks and other resources that can help you grow your business and gain a 6-figure portfolio in business credit.

You will soon well on your way to buying cars, property, insurance and assets in your business name!

how it works

Sign up for the FREE online course and get a boat load of information, tips and cheat sheets that can help the beginner or veteran business owner scale their business and build a 6-Figure business portfolio in 90 days. 

5min. Introduction

10 min. Testimonial & Results 

30 min. Training session 

10 min. session on Q&A



"The ABC's of Building Business Credit in 90 Days"


* Invite a Boss friend, it's enough for all of us. We welcome new members to our circle of Bosses.  

PAperback book 
with shipping $37

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Buy the book or ebook now, it'll equip you to soar and capitalizing business credit from Major banks and companies such as; American Express, Capitol One, Discover, Home Depot, Lowes, Sams Club and Delta just to name a few. 

paperback and ebook now available on

Sign Up Form

April15th at @8pm

Thanks for your order!

Credit Card


Shana Williams, Sacrcastic's CEO

Thank you so much for showing me what my business was missing. I was paying everything out of pocket, didn't know how to build business credit. 

S. Thomas, Biz Owner

I want to thank you Tasha for showing me how to network and connecting me to major resources. I bought my car in my business name due to your mentorship and resources. I also started a nonprofit organization. 

B. J, Biz Owner

Your mentorship has changed the dynamics of my business structure. thanks 

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